Monday, January 15, 2007

Double Digit Time! Saturday 10 miler
Well, it's mid- January, and our team runs are getting into double digits. This past Saturday was probably the largest team training that we've had so far. We had a great stretching session by a woman who runs a yoga studio and two very moving dedications from runners who are running for and in memory of loved ones.

Saturday's run was out to the Newton Hills from Wellesley. Starting out slow is a good thing to start practicing- taking the first mile or two very conservatively is a good way to save up time and precious energy in the end. Sometimes it's easy to forget to hold back, but this time we did well and ended up making good time, given the hilly nature of the course. Also, given the late night nature of the previous evening. Okay, time to cut back on the vino! Although... that run did go well.... hmm.

Running tip: I am finding recently that running up hills is easier if you pump your arms in front of your body rather than swing behind. It helps your torso not to slump forward and I believe helps direct your energy up the hill more efficiently.

Running tip 2: For long runs, a product called 'Body Glide' is my training ally. Rubbed onto any part that might chafe or blister, including toes before putting on socks, this stick will help keep your skin from tearing up and causing you to jump through your ceiling when taking a post-run shower.

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