Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Save Some Plastic!

This is another post about my fundraising store. You can read this post at the enviromom blog about this product.

Plastic bags consumed this year:

(Courtesy of

Have you ever thought about how much plastic you throw away each day? This has been an increasingly irksome question to me as I get older and calculate my own trash production. This year, my husband switched from soda to water, not for health reasons, but out of the feeling he got looking at all his recylables every week. And not all plastics can be recycled!

I am selling reusable sandwich wraps on my fundraising site, .

These wraps are reusable, washable, durable, and not only make a stay-fresh wrap for sandwiches, but an instant placemat for your lunch as well! I have 4 that I use to pack my husband's lunch in, rotating two each day and can verify that these wraps keep a sandwich just as fresh as a plastic bag. These wraps can be machine washed and air dried- I've simply handwashed them while doing dishes. Here are some photos of the wrap- excuse the funky looking homemade bread!:

Each colorful wrap purchase enters you in a drawing to win $32.00 worth of wrap-n-mats- drawing to be held May 31, 2008. If this doesn't interest you, here are some other ways to cut down on plastic and increase recycling:

  • Say no to plastic at the store: Bring your own reusable shopping bags, and use mesh or cotton produce bags for your veggies and fruits
  • Reuse plastic bags that you use for trash liners. Wash and reuse ziploc storage bags.
  • Make sure your neighborhood has a recycling plan and that your building uses it! If you don't have one, contact your local representative to bring this issue up.
  • Recycle your running shoes! Nike has a program where you can bring your old shoes to be ground up for sports surfaces around the world.

Happy recycling, everyone!



At 11:28 PM, Blogger Kimie Fukuda said...

Cool Marie! Makes me a proud owner of my wraps! Used one today for a burrito style sandwich and put a rubberband around it and it worked great! Kimie

At 8:58 PM, Blogger JulieJr said...

Great to get the word out on this one, Marie! I gave these for Christmas presents, wondering how people would respond. They were received very enthusiastically! One recipient immediately ordered a bunch more to add to their supply, feeling they would use them not only for sandwiches, but also sliced fruit and other lunch items. Thanks Marie!

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Marie F said...

Thanks, Guys!


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